I woke up Sunday morning on Fathers’ Day and grabbed my youngest and we headed down to my father’s house. We chatted with him for a bit then hopped in his truck and headed down the road to the Acadia Hamfest. It is a smaller Hamfest but a fun thing to do with my Dad on Fathers’ Day. We ended up just getting a book and some charging cables. We also got an old Radio Shack mesmerizing kit, basically a kit board for teaching soldering and electronics to kids. It has a simple microchip and LEDs that light up. We were only there for a little over an hour and then headed home.

After getting back from the Hamfest, we packed up the kids and the dogs and headed to Prettyboy Reservoir to do some hiking and playing in the creek. The hike is very long, about 0.75 miles out to a little gorge. The weather was great, and the dogs had a fun time playing in the creek, sort of. Chewy is a bit afraid of the water, but he did a pretty good job enjoying it after some coaxing.

After the hike, we headed home where we got ready for the rest of my family to come over for some dessert and a campfire. My family came over around 6:30 pm. Everyone brought a snack or dessert. We sat around drinking a couple of Land Sharks and chatting. We played some cornhole and let my dad’s dog, Radio, play with Luna. Chewy was not a fan of Radio, and we had to keep him inside. We had a campfire going and roasted some marshmallows once the sun went down. Everyone headed home around 9 pm to get ready for work on Monday. Both Radio and Luna were very tired after everyone left.